“Song of the Lands” by Formosa Circus Art – A celebration of Taiwanese American Heritage Week
還記得去年慶祝台美人傳統週,「 臺灣特技團 Taiwan Acrobatic Troupe 」令人感動回味再三的演出嗎?今年換「 FOCA福爾摩沙馬戲團 Formosa Circus Art 」接力~一樣精彩,千萬不要錯過機會喔! 座位有限!火速購票去 https://reurl.cc/YElEZ0 __________ 節目介紹: 這場引人入勝的當代馬戲《土地的歌/Song of the Land》,將帶領觀眾穿越時空,透過傳統技藝與現代馬戲的巧妙結合,以及流行歌曲與古老樂曲的交融,以大旗、武術、倒立、大環、立方體、扯鈴、疊羅漢等精彩項目,串連出一場引人入勝的馬戲歌舞劇。通過四大段落:「看見臺灣」、「臺灣巨人」、「翻轉臺灣」、和「擁抱臺灣」,展現臺灣文化的多元面貌,讓觀眾感受臺灣這片土地所蘊含的豐富意義和美麗風情,絕對不要錯過這場難得的視聽盛宴! 快快登記行事曆把提醒打開來:https://reurl.cc/XGWDZM __________ 活動資訊:
「FOCA 福爾摩沙馬戲團 Formosa Circus Art 」小檔案: 於 2011 年成立,以臺灣美麗寶島的驕傲所命名。為臺灣第一個以「馬戲」登上法國亞維儂藝術節、英國愛丁堡藝穗節及國家戲劇院的團隊。成立以來於全球巡迴演出,將臺灣文化傳揚到世界各個角落。 __________ 誠摯邀請企業店家贊助辦理慶祝台美人傳統週馬戲團演出活動。 贊助方案有四種:
**廣告一頁10秒,輪播至少5次起(視贊助單位多寡而定)。 **欲參與此次宣傳的您,請另來信同鄉會:info@tagp.org __________ 主辦單位:大波特蘭台灣同鄉會(TAGP) 策劃單位:中華民國僑務委員會(OCAC) #2024美國臺灣傳統週暨加拿大亞裔傳統月 |
Come celebrate Taiwanese American Heritage Week with us and experience the exhilarating performance by Formosa Circus Art, proudly presented by the Taiwanese Association of Greater Portland!
Get ready to be enchanted by "Song of the Land," an awe-inspiring 80-minute journey through Taiwanese history, tradition, and culture. Named in homage to the stunning island of Taiwan, Formosa Circus Art seamlessly merges traditional skills with modern circus acts, offering an unforgettable experience. Immerse yourself in the captivating scenery of Taiwan and the rich diversity of Taiwanese culture as this circus musical takes you on a journey through a tapestry of storytelling. Feel the excitement of flag dances, martial arts, handstands, aerial hoops, cubes, diabolos, and human pyramids as FOCA presents a spellbinding circus art production. Each performance unfolds as a journey through Taiwanese history, spanning ancient times to the present day, highlighting the incredible cultural influence of this vibrant nation. This family-friendly show has something for everyone to enjoy. Don't miss out on the opportunity to witness the magic of "Songs of Land" and celebrate the beauty and heritage of Taiwanese Americans. Join us for an unforgettable evening of entertainment and cultural appreciation! __________ Information:
Sponsorship available for Taiwanese American Heritage Week(TAHW)event hosted by Taiwanese Association of Greater Portland(TAGP)! 4 Options for sponsorship: ►[Option 1]$220
►[Option 2]$170
►[Option 3]$120
►[Option 4]$70
**Screening page: 10 seconds per page, screening at least 5 times.(depends on how many sponsorships) **If you are interested, please email info@tagp.org __________ This is a reserved seating event. Hosted by Taiwanese Association of Greater Portland. Organized by Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C (Taiwan). |