台美人傳統週2013—舞躍台灣 Taiwanese American Heritage Week in 2013 – Dance Over Taiwan
每年由大波特蘭台灣同鄉會 (Taiwanese Association of Greater Portland – 簡稱TAGP) 主辦的台美人傳統週是波特蘭僑界最備受期待以及萬眾矚目的年度重點活動之一。此項活動的成立是起源於台灣人公共事務會 (Formosan Association for Puboic Affairs, FAPA ) 為配合美國國會所訂立的五月–亞美人傳統月,於1999年創立「Taiwanese American Heritage Week, 台美人傳統週」,以宣揚台美人對美國社會的貢獻、宣揚台灣傳統,藝術和文化為宗旨,TAGP 己於過去十四年來陸續主辦為此節日而來自台灣的藝文團體於本地表演。 今年由僑委會聘請的台北民族舞團 (Taipei Folk Dance Theatre) ,將於五月四日(週六)來到本地呈獻舞藝給大波蘭的朋友。台北民族舞團是台灣第一個專業民族舞團,以傳揚台灣傳統舞藝為宗旨。1988年,資深舞蹈家蔡麗華憑著對舞蹈的狂熱使命感,創辦台北民族舞團,自成立以來,紮實的田野采風與創新傳統原味二者並重。其獨特的本土風格舞作,為台灣民族舞蹈開拓嶄新風貌,優異的成 績揚名國際。 台北民族舞團演出作品的特色,在於將傳統原味加以創新,賦予煥新的生命力。無論在國內 或國外的演出,皆成為最具代表性的傑出舞團。除此,台北民族舞團更於2000年成立「台灣樂舞文教基金會」,以傳揚台灣舞蹈之美為職志,致力於台灣傳統舞蹈之研究、傳承、創新、精緻演出與推廣等工作。 台北民族舞團足跡迄今已遍及四十餘國,演出超過七百場,屢獲國際舞蹈大獎,也曾應邀國際知名劇院公演,如美國林肯中心、南非尼可馬蘭歌劇院等。其演出極受國際肯定,被譽為「最具震撼力的東方舞團」,與「精湛的舞藝彰顯台灣文化特色最傑出的舞團」。 日期:二O一三年五月四日 (週六) 時間:三點半入場 / 四點開始節目 地點:Benson High School Auditorium 地址:546 NE 12th Ave, Portland, OR 97232 演出:台北民族舞團 票價:
欲購票者,請速洽:黃峙榕 (Jerome Huang) 會長 503-766-3751 或 TaiwanAGP@gmail.com 請在語音留言或電子郵件中特別說明入場券的種類及張數,當我們確認收到您的來信或是電郵訂票後,您可於當天會場的售票處取票。 |
Taipei Folk Dance Theatre, the very first professional ethnic dance company in Taiwan, will perform in the Benson High School auditorium on Saturday, May 4, at 4:00 p.m.
For 21 years now, the month of May have been designated as “Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month” to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Asian and Pacific Americans with community festivals, government-sponsored activities and educational activities for students. In year 1999, the Formosan Association for Public Affairs designated the week of the Mother's day in May as the "Taiwanese American Heritage Week" to celebrate the contribution of Taiwanese Americans to this country; the initiation was blessed with a congratulatory letter from the then President Clinton. This year, the Taiwanese Association of Greater Portland and OCAC, R.O.C (Taiwan) continues to play a major role in bringing the dancers to the U.S. and, specifically, the Portland metropolitan region. The event is open to the public. The Taipei Folk Dance Theatre was founded in 1988 to promote and preserve Taiwan's varied dance heritage, including dance from the island's aborigine tribes. They are renowned for its unique style of traditional Taiwanese folk dance and its important role in creating a new era for the development of theatrical ethnic dance in Taiwan. The dance company has given over 700 performances in more than 40 countries throughout Asia, the Americas, Europe and Africa. Tickets can be purchased or reserved in advance via telephone or email and picked up at the door on the evening of the performance. Tickets cost $15 for adults, $8 for students with a student ID, free for children under 8 and $12 for group purchases of 30 tickets or more. Call 503-766-3751 or email TaiwanAGP@gmail.com for ticket purchase or for more information. |