2015-02-14 羊年送舊迎新年會 / Goat Lunar New Year Luncheon in 2015
活動概述 Event Overview
時光飛逝,又來到一年一度的新春佳節,今年大波特蘭台灣同鄉會將在 Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization 舉辦 2015 送舊迎新年會。一如往昔,今年餐會將會準備豐盛的美味佳餚,其中不乏道地的台灣小吃,讓鄉親們一解鄉愁。同時,我們精心策劃了許多活動,包括星光大道等級的歌唱表演,極具童趣及故鄉味的猜謎遊戲…等等。同鄉會也貼心的準備紅包準備發放給在場的長輩及小朋友們,餐會尾聲更有琳琅滿目的獎品等你來抽獎,包括往返台灣及美國的來回機票一張,請把握難得的機會。我們誠摯的邀請閤家共襄盛舉,並祝福台灣的各位鄉親,新春飛揚、得意洋洋! As we approach the "tail of the Horse", it is time for us to welcome the Year of the Goat. This year, Taiwanese Association of Greater Portland will be hosting our 2015 Lunar New Year Luncheon at Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization. As usual, we will be serving delicious Taiwanese cuisine along with entertainment including Karaoke performance and riddle games. We will also raffle off various prizes including a round-trip plane ticket. You are cordially invited to bring your family and friends to this joyous festivity. 活動詳情 Event Detail
餐費 Meal Fee
會員費 Membership Fee
抽獎券 Raffle Tickets
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