2007-08-12 Pedal Bridge 單車踏橋之旅
活動簡章:台灣同鄉會將加入今年的Providence Bridge Pedal。參與者可免費入場”The Bite of Oregon”! 活動詳情還有騎腳踏車的路徑,將會陸續公佈。
活動日期:八月十二日早上七點半 集合地點:當天早上七點十五分在 SW 2nd St. 和 SW Clay St. 的交叉口,靠近立體停車場。 行前會議:八月十一日,協調整合當天活動事宜。 準備事項:自己的腳踏車和安全帽(必備),還有無線對講機。 報名和註冊:本活動只針對台灣同鄉會會員,成人$15,小孩(10~12歲)$5。請向主辦者以電子郵件報名,欲參加者請先繳交報名費。 活動詳情:將會公佈在網站上和以電子郵件通知。 主辦者:陳正耀 chenyao.chen@gmail.com |
Activity Description: We will have a TAGP team for participating Providence Bridge Pedal. Lots of free food at the end of line. There is a Portland festival at the end of line called The Bite of Oregon, all participant can enter The Bite of Oregon for free.
Date:Aug 12, 2007 at 7:30am Meet at: 7:15am at Parking Building at the corner of SW 2nd St and SW Clay St. Pre-event meeting: Aug 11, 2007 Thing to Prepare: Bike and Helmet(must) Walkie talkie with 40 sub code. Back Pack and layer of clothes. Registration: Limited participant and TAGP members only, $15/person $5/Kid(8~12yrs). Registration method will be announced by email. Participant will pay the due to guarantee their position. We might have major team on 6 bridge route. 8 bridge route if everybody are ambitious. 10 bridge route if we have an Olympia team to join us. Host : Chenyao Chen @ chenyao.chen@gmail.com |