2020 TAGP Dragon Boat Team 大波特蘭台灣同鄉會龍舟隊
Race Date 比賽日期
June 6th and 7th
2/28- Last Day to Sign up
3/3 - We will make announcement if we recruits enough team members for the race; if not meeting 25, TAGP will opt out for this year race. |
Captain:Ryan Hsieh
Recruitment sign up 徵招隊員
Practice time 練習時間TBA
1. Commit to show up entirety of Dragon Boat Race in 2020 ( practice start on 3/29 ) 2. Practice Time: Three days a week. - need to show up minimum 2 practice per week |
Fee 參加費用$100 per person.
Team members will share the fee for race registration and other expenses, i.e. customized team uniform. The fee is not refundable once we collect it. Please pay before the first practice. |
Practice meet up location: 練習集合地點 Riverside Hotel by the marina at the South Waterfront area